Foxtail Custom Rods is a one-man shop located in west central Wisconsin. Rods are assembled in-house by yours truly. If it doesn’t meet my standards, it doesn’t go out the door. If it doesn’t meet yours, I’ll make it right.
Blessed with bountiful rivers and streams cut from the coulee’s and ridges in the Driftless area; I have plenty of places to test new designs. If the application fits more of a boat style of fishing, it’s a short drive west to pull cranks or pitch jigs on the Mississippi river. To the east, I can vertical jig the bay of Green Bay or troll Lake Michigan. In the winter, hard water opportunities abound for many species.
I can build pretty much any type of rod a fisherman may use. Most of my business is generated from people looking for panfish or toothy critters such as Walleye, Musky, and Northern Pike. I build fly rods as well. Wisconsin is full of class A Trout streams and many people are now after larger species like Musky and Northern Pike with fly tackle. The fly fishing bug has caught me too. It has brought a whole new awareness to a type of fishing that I often overlooked.
I like to think outside of the box. It’s what separates custom rod builders from the mainstream commercial setups. We fill the niche for people looking for unique, special, one of a kind rods. Bring me your ideas. Let’s see what we can build!
- Jon Stevens




Carbon fiber half wells. Custom turned seat.