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Kle-os (Greek: κλέος) is the Greek word often translated to "renown", or "glory". It is related to the word "to hear" and carries the implied meaning of "what others hear about you". Kleos is invariably transferred from father to son; the son is responsible for carrying on and building upon the "glory" of the father. A man's legend...
The defintion itself speaks for the rod. These rods will be passed down from father to son. These are heirlooms as much a tools. There is a mix of carbon and fiberglass blanks in this series. They must carry the Honor of the family to make the list.
All of these rods are made to order. Many handles are custom turned in-house. Your choice of guides and reel seats. Please call to discuss details and timeline as I have many options.
These are 100% custom orders. Total price and delivery is dependent on materials on hand and extent of customization. You can click the pre-order button to get the process started but a phone is necessary to communicate details.
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